I found these two discussions on Reddit the other day and thought they were good. Civil discussion as well, which is a nice bonus since it is not always the case on the internet.
These are translations of various recipes into ratios. I haven’t made all of these recipes, I just wanted to get a bunch of dry rub ratios all in one place.
I like to have premade batches of dry rubs, and it’s harder to make batches when the recipe uses a small measure like a tablespoon. I also find it easier to compare different recipes and flavors when they’re in ratios like this.
In general, amazingribs.com seems to be a good resource. I especially appreciate the mention that if you taste the uncooked rub, that’s not what the final flavor is like. The only way to know is to cook something with it.
As a general rule, dry rubs are mostly paprika and sugar.
My personal preference is to make rubs with less or no salt. Pre-salting meat before cooking, brining, and different size pieces of meat all need different amounts of salt. Being able to measure out flavor and salt separately gives you more control over the flavors.
Also 1 cup = 16 tablespoons. Useful for when you make batches.
I get paid for code that works, not for tests, so my philosophy is to test as little as possible to reach a given level of confidence (I suspect this level of confidence is high compared to industry standards, but that could just be hubris). If I don’t typically make a kind of mistake (like setting the wrong variables in a constructor), I don’t test for it. I do tend to make sense of test errors, so I’m extra careful when I have logic with complicated conditionals. When coding on a team, I modify my strategy to carefully test code that we, collectively, tend to get wrong.
Different people will have different testing strategies based on this philosophy, but that seems reasonable to me given the immature state of understanding of how tests can best fit into the inner loop of coding. Ten or twenty years from now we’ll likely have a more universal theory of which tests to write, which tests not to write, and how to tell the difference. In the meantime, experimentation seems in order.
I like this. Very straightforward, no complexity. “I write unit tests for things that are complicated or might break”, which is probably a sane strategy for all levels of testing — look for the level at which you’ve got enough complexity below, where it’s easy for something to break.
When the subject of Trump came up aboard Air Force Two, Biden referred to a well-worn story about how, as a freshman senator, he saw Jesse Helms, the archconservative North Carolina Republican, ripping into a piece of disabilities legislation. Biden was furious about it and began attacking Helms to Mike Mansfield, the Democratic Senate majority leader. Puffing on his pipe, Mansfield asked Biden if he knew that Helms and his wife had adopted a disabled 9-year-old boy no one else would take. “Question a man’s judgment, not his motives,” Mansfield instructed.
Dependency Inversion is one of the five SOLID OO principles that’s become so popular in recent years (sometimes referred to as DIP). My opinion is that it’s a highly valuable concept, and is not well-named. “Dependency inversion” doesn’t mean a great deal on its own, and a lot of attempts to explain it tend to get very heady.
(Speaking of unfortunate naming, “hexagonal architecture” is another concept that I find poorly named. Ironic that the concept is about using abstraction to avoid unnecessary coupling, yet the name itself couples the idea to the number 6, which is totally unrelated to the idea. Fortunately, it’s slowly being renamed as “ports and adapters” in most discussions, which is a much better description.)
My personal preference is towards explanations that are more intuitive, and I’d like to put my two cents in for Dependency Inversion.
To me, a way of describing Dependency Inversion is to use classes to separate the features of the application (the parts that a user might use) from the technology that makes the feature work.
For example, let’s say you have a feature where a user can sign themselves up, and once the user’s information is saved to the database, you have some more steps that need to take place. You could make an interactor called
and it will handle the actions necessary (instead of using a callback).
Let’s say one of the things it needs to do is send an email welcoming the user. Let’s also pretend that you use SendGrid to manage emails. That would mean we could end up with something like
class CompleteUserSetup
def self.perform
SendGridClient.email "subjectline", "body of email"
Will this run? Absolutely. Is it a good example of code that meets the criteria for Dependency Inversion? No.
What’s happening here is that the feature (user setup) is directly mentioning the technology that implements it (SendGrid). It literally has the name of the tool in the code that is defining the feature.
Literally Rob Lowe
Since there are probably lots of places in the code that send email, if you ever need to switch away from SendGrid, you need to change all those places. Usually it’s not as simple as find-replacing all the instances of “SendGrid” from the code, so a better way is to abstract all of the email interactions into your own class.
class CompleteUserSetup
def self.perform
class OurEmailClient
def self.send_welcome_email
SendGridClient.email "subjectline", "body of email"
Now the feature doesn’t mention the implementation technology. If you kept this pattern going, “SendGrid” would only ever appear in your email client class, and this means that the technology would be decoupled from the features. This is an Adapter pattern, which is basically the first half of Dependency Inversion. (IMHO this is the most common implementation of DI, and this makes testing really easy)
To close the loop of “Dependency Inversion” is to actually pass the client an instance of an email client so it can use more than one.
class CompleteUserSetup
def self.perform(client)
class OurEmailClient
def send_welcome_email
SendGridClient.email 'subjectline', 'body of email'
class OurOtherEmailClient
def send_welcome_email
MailChimpClient.email 'subject, 'body of email'
email_client = OurEmailClient.new
# or
email_client = OurOtherEmailClient.new
Now we’re actually passing the dependency into the location where it’s needed. This means the CompleteUserSetup interactor is totally decoupled from which messaging system it will use.
The reason this matters is that now we can choose any type of email provider we currently support, and we can also add new types of email providers that we didn’t previously use.
To be fair, in Ruby, this isn’t quite the same as in Java. Ruby will allow duck typing, which means that we don’t have to write an Interface. Also, Ruby doesn’t support Interfaces at all, so that aspect of this is missing. Still — the principle behind decoupling does make it very easy to write readable code, and testable code, and I always love that.
I was talking with an engineering manager the other day who told me one key technique he uses for his teams. I thought it was one of those simple-yet-powerful techniques that I love so much.
The simplicity is this — when he does his weekly checkin with his reports, he asks them “in the past week, not just at work but in your life as a whole, what was your high and what was your low?”
I think this is a great approach to management. It’s highly touchy-feely, but I think that’s an important part of managing others. If someone is having a good time in their personal life, it can and will have an effect on their work performance. Likewise, if someone is having a bad time in their personal life, it can and will affect their work.
I think it’s worth being mindful that the effect might not be what we intuitively expect. Someone who is having bad things happen in their personal life might react by being distracted at work, or they might use work as a means to distract themselves from the unpleasantness and focus on it strongly. Or, perhaps there might be another reaction. There’s no way to know without discussing it and paying attention.
(To be clear, I’m not suggesting that people should use a dark pattern to drive their employees by offering work as a distraction from things that might be difficult at home, only saying that the connection between personal and work does exist, and is unique for each person.)
By understanding the person as a unique individual, and as a whole, a great manager can work with the natural rhythms of the lives that their team members live. I think this maximizes happiness and results, and minimizes mistakes and turnover, which are all desirable.
I was researching something the other day and wanted to see how ideas had changed over time. Google has a feature where you can search by date range, but it’s sort of clunky for directly comparing year-by-year. I made a quick tool to make searching by year easier.
I’ve been working with Spark recently. It’s awesome. Unfortunately, the Spark community leans towards Scala, but the Java client was the best choice for our team. This means that sometimes the documentation and examples out there aren’t great. One thing that took me longer than I liked was figuring out how to specify the schema for the data.
Spark has a nice default behavior where it will infer the schema of your data when you load it. The trouble with this is that if you change the data over time (adding new attributes for example), you can run into issues with your code only working with certain versions of the data and not others.
Fortunately, you can specify the schema, so that the fields will exist as nulls. I found lots of examples for how to do this in Scala, but it was hard to find examples in Java. So, here’s how:
Let’s pretend the following file is the schema of `whatever.json`
My last post on hiring engineers got a lot of attention, and I wanted to do a followup with a technique that you can use to keep hiring standards high.
Typically engineering hires happen in a situation where there’s a serious need of another set of hands to do some work. I say this in contrast to the idea that sometimes gets mentioned in the tech industry of “if you find someone really good, just hire them and then figure out what to do with them”.
This idea matters because when there is a serious need, the people closest to the situation are the ones who know what skills are needed, and these are the people who are brought in to handle the interview. This is entirely reasonable, but it also means that the people tasked with the hiring decision all have an incentive for a hire to occur — they want the position to be filled so someone can take over the work. When incentives are strong enough, it sometimes leads people to make decisions that they otherwise might not — hiring a candidate who isn’t as good as they should be to avoid some short term pain.
If a team is really committed to hiring very good candidates, there is a straightforward way of minimizing this type of mistake. When the interview team is put together, you should include one person who isn’t directly impacted by the hire. This person won’t have the same time pressure as the people who are directly impacted. Their role is to be a detached observer and help keep standards high in the face of the (relatively) short term pressure to make any hiring decision.